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Counterpoints Book 3 Page 12

  And terribly guilty for having her help me out, when she is pregnant.

  “I’m so sorry I called you up. I didn’t know that you were…” she added but Hillary held out a hand in front of her.

  “That’s exactly why I don’t want to tell people about it. I am still me, I’m not sick. I think I’d go all nine months without saying a word about ‘Baby’, If I could. But I have a feeling I’ll look like a blimp soon” she made a face again, this time though Hillary looked down at her tummy as she did.

  She looked great and not the least bit overweight. And she was almost in her second trimester.

  “Do you think I could get away with it, by saying I’m bloated because under meds? That way, nobody would have the guts to piss me off AND I could avoid the extra attention on me and Baby” her eyes were wide, as she nodded.

  Isabella covered her face and laughed hard.

  “Ha, but that way you’ll miss out on all the extra favors you can ask people. Think about it, you in the boxes going ‘Guys, I can’t pick this up. Could you help me?’ or better ‘I’m so in the mood for ice cream, who can get some for me?’”

  “You are right” Hillary nodded and headed to the door. Isabella followed, her hand firm on Hillary’s wide shoulders. “I could use a little pampering from the boys”

  “Do you want me to call you a cab?” Isabella asked, just as her boss walked outside her door.

  Hillary turned and smiled, the dark skin of her face so smooth and shiny from the heat that day. Maybe her cheeks looked a little rounder or was Isabella just imagining it?

  “No thanks hun. I can do it”

  Isabella nodded.

  Yes, yes you can, Isabella thought. And she was going to do it. All on her own, if necessary.

  Chapter 10

  Before she could see the car, Isabella heard the sound as it pulled over on Queensway Road. She took a glimpse from the kitchen window and watched Christopher get out, his face serious, wearing sunglasses, his training gear still on.

  The two photographers outside took a few shots, but Christopher walked ahead and crossed the street without even acknowledging them.

  He ran up the stairs, four by four and took Isabella in his arms as soon as his hands took hold of her tiny shoulders.

  He kept her close to his chest and kissed her hard, his lips burning like fire onto hers.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, still holding her tight.

  “I am fine, Chris” she managed a smile, as her stomach tied in a knot.

  It feels so good to be so close.

  “I am sorry this happened to you. Did the police have any clue who might have been?” he asked, as they walked inside the flat and Isabella closed the door shut behind her.

  “No. They said they would check the security cameras on the street but they weren’t very optimistic. I don’t even care who was it. I am just really upset they stole my necklace”

  “What necklace?” Christopher asked, taking a seat on the small dark couch.

  “It was a silver necklace with a light blue pendant. I wore it a few times” she told him.

  Even the night we first met, she thought and the memory made her heart sulk even more.

  Isabella shook her head.

  “Anyway, it was my grandmother’s. She gave it to me when I graduated from Uni. I was the first person in our family to graduate. It was precious to me. And I usually always have it with me” Isabella held her head with both hands and then brushed her hair back, struggling to come to terms with it all.

  The necklace was lost, forever and she couldn’t forgive herself for not taking it to Berlin with her.

  Christopher took her hand and pulled her on the couch. Isabella slumped on top of him and he took her legs in his lap.

  “Why didn’t you call me immediately?” he asked, his hands rubbing her back.

  “You were busy. You had a busy morning. I thought it was best to tell you once you were done with the photoshoot”

  “I would have come over to help you”

  “I wanted you to run all the tests. I don’t want to be a distraction”

  “Fuck the tests, you are not a distraction. You are important to me. I would have come to you immediately” he cupped her face and Isabella leaned in it, her heart warming up to his words.

  “Whatever. Pack your bags, signorina. You are coming with me”

  “What? Where?” Isabella asked, her eyes wide now.

  “You are not staying here. This place isn’t safe” Christopher held her stare.

  “Chris, this is my house. The police said they were probably junkies and they won’t be back, since they hardly made five hundred pounds in here” she looked around and added “I am not letting a burglar scare me out of my own house. I’ll change the locks”

  Christopher shook his head, as she spoke.

  “I am not letting you stay here. I could never sleep, thinking someone might come in at night”

  “How about you stay here with me tonight and make me feel safe?” Isabella smiled to the side and ran a hand over his strong arm.

  “How about you move in with me and I’ll make you feel safe every day, in my house, where there are actual doors, with actual locks”

  “Don’t mock the shoebox, Christopher” Isabella tilted her head to the side and made a funny face. Then she looked at him and caressed his shoulder. “Look, I loved being with you these past few days but I think it’s a little early for us to move in together. We just started seeing each other”

  “And exactly when is the right moment to move in together, Isabella? Who makes the rules?” he said and smirked, enjoying the series of funny expressions going on Isabella’s face, as she thought of what to say next.

  “I have a lot of stuff” she pointed around the small apartment.

  “I have a lot of space” Christopher retorted.

  “I don’t know. What if you get tired of me?” she tilted her head to the side.

  Christopher’s hand slipped under her top and snaked up behind her back, sending shivers of pleasure across her entire body.

  “I can’t get enough of you” he mumbled and moved in a little closer, running a hand through her hair. “Let’s break the rules, signorina”

  The rest of the week went by so fast, Isabella hadn’t even noticed it was already Saturday when she had a chance to speak to her friend Cristina and tell her about living with Christopher.

  Skimming through cereals and walking down the cookie aisle, Isabella took out her phone and dialed her friend’s number.

  “Are you sitting down?” was the first thing Isabella asked when Cristina had answered the call.

  “I hate when people say that. It gets me all nervous. I can say ‘yes I am sitting down’ and maybe I am not, you can’t see me so what’s the point…”

  “Jesus, Cristina. You are in a good mood today” Isabella’s eyes went wide. She pursed her lips and examined a packet of chocolate cookies. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, nothing I am just very tired. I keep going back and forth from Milan to Rome. I am just so happy it’s Saturday today. I can relax… but then you call and say that…” Cristina said, her voice playful now.

  “Sorry, you know me. The drama queen” Isabella giggled and went on. “I’m just going to say it. Wait. I should have called you up and just blurted out the news, plain and simple. Can I hang up and do it again?” Isabella played along.

  “Just say it, Isabella for the love of God”

  “I am living with Christopher” she told her friend.

  Plain and simple and so incredibly fantastic, she thought her stomach jittery.

  When had she ever lived with a man? Never. She had always lived on her own, Isabella had always been put off the idea of sharing her house with someone.

  Salvo had been living in her hometown, while she had been in Rome living with a friend.

  “It’s easier for me to live in the city, for work” Isabella had always told her boyfriends.

d even when one of her exes was living in Rome, they had never taken the big step to move in somewhere together and leave their friends’ apartments.

  “Oh, wow. Isabella, it’s a big step… huge for you” Cristina pointed out, her voice so surprised, the news had been unexpected.

  She knows me too well.

  “It really isn’t” Isabella shrugged it off.

  It really wasn’t. It didn’t feel like a big thing. It didn’t feel weird or annoying or unnatural to share her things with Christopher. It was absolutely fantastic to live with him, so amazing Isabella couldn’t stop smiling.

  She explained to her what had brought her there- in Christopher’s house in Maida Vale- and she told Cristina their days together, how Christopher worked out and went out to the MB facility to run on the simulator, while she was out with Hillary most of the times, working on the blog and preparing the next race in Rome. They would only see each other in the evenings.

  “Is he okay now?” Cristina asked, wondering if Christopher’s physical conditions had improved since he was back on his schedule.

  “He’s doing great” Isabella said and moved down to the wine section, to pick a good bottle of red.

  Her eyes scanned her little food basket and nodded. She had everything she needed to make dinner that night, time to head to the check out.

  “How’s the sex? Still hot?”

  “Always hot” Isabella bit her lip and welcomed the fire in her gut, rethinking about last night.

  “What’s that sigh about? You can tell me, I am sitting down” Cristina mocked.

  “Brace yourself, Cristina. It was hot and messy last night” Isabella lowered her voice and set her things on the self-check-out station.

  She beeped the first item and began to tell her about their steamy encounter the night before.

  It had all started in the kitchen. First, they had glanced at each other from the living room to the kitchen counter, where Isabella was working. She had looked up from the pizza dough she had had her hands in- her hair pulled up behind her head, just a stray stand brushed to the side over her right eye- and Christopher’s stare had made her stomach clench.

  He had crossed the room, only to sit opposite her on a stool and he had asked if it was okay for him to watch.

  “Sure thing” Isabella had moved back the strand of hair with her arm and she had then walked around the kitchen, looking for some tools to spread the dough.

  “Do you always make pizza in your underwear and t-shirt?” Christopher had asked, studying her back and perfectly toned legs.

  “Only when you behave” Isabella had given him a sly smile and had turned around, her back to him, bending forward, as she went through a drawer of utensils.

  Her shirt went up a little on her back, revealing her full round bottom and Christopher stood, his hands aching to touch her.

  He had come up to her in his calm, cool stride, only to stop behind Isabella and help her look through a wide drawer under the kitchen sink.

  “Found what you were looking for?” Christopher had whispered in her ear, as they had both bent a little forward, his hands slipping in between her thighs.

  His touch had sent Isabella in ecstasy. She had closed her eyes, taking in a breath and had leaned back, her head against his broad shoulder.

  “I think so. Did you find what you were looking for?” she teased, as her eyes opened again and looked into his, burning with desire.

  His mouth was down to hers in a second, his lips a little hard on her, his hand pulling her hair a little roughly, making Isabella moan against his passionate kiss.

  Christopher’s other hand had stayed in between his legs, it had dug in her underwear, making her arch her back instantly, as she had moaned his name.

  “Chris” she had breathed out in a small cry.

  “Spread your legs for me, baby” he had groaned against her lips, as his hand had guided her body forward on the kitchen counter, only to slid under her shirt, while the other had pulled down her panties.

  “Okay, now I need to sit down” Cristina mumbled from the other side. “That is so hot. Kitchen sex, so hot”

  “You talk like you and Carlo don’t have it anymore” Isabella pointed out, her cheeks a little flushed, while she made her way out of the supermarket, bags in one hand.

  “We do but we have the kids around all the time. It’s not as easy as before”

  “How are the twins? I miss them so much” Isabella made a little sweet voice, thinking about Cristina’s kids. “I bought them loads of chocolate for when I come to Italy next week.

  “Only if you pay for the dentist, too” Cristina teased and Isabella laughed a little, as she made her way up the high street, Christopher’s house already in sight.

  The small gate made a loud sound while pushing it open and Isabella announced she was home.

  “I am about to walk in” Isabella said, her keys turning in the lock “Will I see you in Rome next week?”

  “I am not sure when but I will come down as soon as I can, okay?” Cristina said and Isabella was about to say something back, when the door sprung open and her eyes set on Christopher and Mr. Jenkins in the living room, talking – maybe discussing animatedly was more what they were doing.

  “I got to go now. Speak to you later” Isabella told her friend and hung up.

  Her handbag slipped down from her shoulder to her arm, as she looked from one man to the other, their lips sealed now, both staring at her.

  “Hi” Isabella said to Mr. Jenkins, who grunted something that sounded vaguely like a greeting.

  “Hey, baby” Christopher said and Isabella took a few steps towards him, as the door closed shut behind her.

  She walked over and they kissed quickly, Mr. Jenkins’ curious eyes burning behind her back.

  Christopher held her by the shoulder and smiled.

  “Making more pizza tonight?” he smirked and almost laughed, seeing Isabella’s freckled cheeks turn red.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked him, her eyes going to the side, to where Mr. Jenkins was sitting.

  “Everything is okay. You need help with that?” Christopher took hold of the bag, but Isabella pulled it back a little, shaking her head.

  “I got it” and she gave him a small smile, making her way to the kitchen.

  Slowly, Isabella placed all the things on the counter and started putting them in the shelves, while the two men eyed each other in silence.

  It was only, when she was almost finished that Christopher started talking again.

  “Really, what is the point in discussing this? We shouldn’t even be talking about it anymore” he shook his head and placed his hands in his trouser pockets.

  “The more we let this go, the more it’s going to get worse” Mr. Jenkins said and looked at Isabella as he spoke, her eyes looking up from the brown paper bag on the counter.

  She saw him squint and Isabella walked out of the kitchen, ignoring his cold stare.

  “I am going upstairs” she announced and passed by Christopher, touching his arm briefly.

  “Why don’t you go get ready?” he smiled. “We are going to a friend’s club opening tonight, if that’s okay with you”

  “Oh…Sure” Isabella nodded and resumed her walk to the staircase. “Mr. Jenkins”

  “Isabella” he grunted and sighed loudly once she was out of the room.

  Isabella had made it to the top of the stairs, when Alfred’s voice was back full on.

  “You are fucking mad”

  “You are out of order” Christopher raised his voice too this time.

  “You are making the same mistakes over and over again. Why the hell is she living here with you? Christ, you have to fuck every single woman that crosses your path” Alfred’s spat as he spoke and even though Isabella couldn’t see his face, she knew exactly what it looked like. It was probably red and the veins stretched out all over his neck.

  “This has nothing to do with the mistakes I made in the past” Christop
her pressed on, his voice harsh.

  “Look at this” Alfred made a sound and Isabella realized they were footsteps.

  He’s walking towards Christopher, Isabella asserted.

  “Here it is. Right in front of you. All your stupid mistakes, written here. Almost all of your ‘mistakes, your women’ is in this fucking piece of trash of a book. They’ve all agreed to talk. How you fucked them, when you fucked them, the presents you gave them. Your weaknesses, your nightmares. Your nights out, taking shit and drinking. Every detail. There’s enough material here, you want to add another page or two with Isabella?” Mr. Jenkins questioned him, this time his voice was a notch lower.

  Christopher walked around the room, away from Alfred in silence. He brushed his hair back and shook his head.

  “We are not just fucking here. I am serious about her” Christopher said. He pointed a finger and his jaw tensed. “Don’t you fucking talk about her like that again, do you hear me? I care for you, you know that. You are like a father to me. But don’t ever talk about her like that. Ever. Again. Or you walk out of here and our work agreements are off. Clear?”

  Isabella sucked in a breath, the sudden eerie silence in the room was deafening. She heard her heart beat hum in her ears, as Mr. Jenkins stood there before Christopher, motionless and stunned.

  “Are we clear?” Christopher asked again.

  “Yes” Alfred snapped back. “Yes, clear” he said again, this time his tone was normal. “Just tell me you’ll think about it. This is our last chance. We can walk out of this with a biography, a new agreement if you sign the contract making the biography official. They’ll trash all this crap. You’ll have some control on the content”

  “It’s the ‘some control’ part that makes me laugh” Christopher said and he did.

  He laughed, a little. It was a nervous, disgusted sort of laugh. The laugh of a person that doesn’t believe a single word he’s hearing.

  “I’m not giving her what she wants. She’s nothing to me, not anymore. She doesn’t exist and I don’t want to give her the satisfaction of making money with my name, my father’s name”

  “She’ll make money with your name either way, Christopher. Even if you don’t authorize the book, she’s going to tell this story. It depends how you want her to tell it”