Counterpoints 2 (Counterpoints #2) Read online

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  She fidgeted in her seat and tried to get familiar with the vehicle. She pressed on the brakes, the accelerator and looked for the gear box. There was none.

  “What about gears?” she asked and Christopher walked towards her with the fuel tank and another white helmet under his arm.

  “There are no gears on this one. Those ones down there have gears. You want to switch?” he smiled to the side, sensing what her answer would be.

  “Nope, I like the no gear situation, thanks” she grinned and felt her legs shake, as Christopher settled behind her to fill her tank.

  She felt his breath on her skin, behind her neck and Isabella turned to look at him. He looked up from the tank and didn’t smile.

  That sexy look…

  He went to fill his tank, on kart number fifteen and then walked back to Isabella- crouching behind her- and put his arms over hers.

  “Keep your hands on the wheel. You need all the strength you have to turn the kart on track, okay?” Isabella nodded “No cool driving with one hand, like you did in the car before. I’m serious”

  “Got it, Mr. Taylor, I’m sorry Mr. Taylor, I won’t do it again whilst driving your car, Mr. Taylor” she grinned and stared ahead, trying to ignore his lips travelling down her neck.

  “Good” he mumbled under his breath, in between kisses.

  While doing so, Christopher fastened the helmet under her chin.

  “Your attempt to distract me is subtle and really low of you. I’m sorry to disappoint you but I won’t let you win” she turned his way and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

  “I don’t need subtle tricks to win” he winked. “Ready?” he asked and pulled a handle.

  The kart was set to life and Isabella’s heart leaped, feeling the vehicle shake.

  It was like she was sitting on a tractor, on a pan of boiling water ready to explode.

  She could feel the heat from the engine, wherever it was –she couldn’t quite distinguish the parts of the thing.

  She pressed gently on the throttle and slowly pulled out of the hanger.

  As her foot went down, the power of the engine seemed to push her from behind. She could feel every little bump on the tarmac, even if there were hardly any. It was so weird. It was the lack of suspensions, the absence of an actual structure of a car.

  This must be what he feels in his car during a race, only this must be ten times less than in a First Category Racing car.

  Isabella heard another loud sound from behind and soon after Christopher joined her on track.

  “Let’s go” he winked and he pushed his foot down, overtaking her before Isabella could even begin to protest.

  Hopeless. Defeated, Isabella thought. Hopelessly defeated!

  “You could have at least had the decency to refrain from doing it the third time around” Isabella gave him a dirty look.

  Christopher smiled and kept his eyes ahead, while they crossed the track again – this time on foot- and walked back to the building.

  “I’m sorry, you were being all smart about it, about kicking my ass” he shrugged “Besides it’s a rule at MB. We never step down, we never take our foot off the gas. For nobody. You were going slow, I had to overtake you again…and again…and again” he gave her a side glance and then chuckled.

  “Well, at least I gave you something to brag about with your friends over drinks. I beat a girl with my go kart, yeahy!” she made a face.

  “Hey, in case I lose the championship this year, I just had my own, personal satisfaction right here” he grinned and Isabella slapped him jokingly.

  Christopher was quick to grab her then. He took hold of her wrist and made Isabella twirl, only to wrap his arm around her neck and plant a kiss on her lips, as they walked through a long corridor full of numbered doors.

  Feels so good, Isabella thought and she bit her lower lip, desperate to hold on to the tingling feeling he had left on her mouth a little longer.

  “So, are you going to tell me what this place is all about or shall I start begging?” Isabella asked.

  Christopher pointed at a door and they stopped in front of it.

  “Although begging sounds very tempting…” he started to say and, before Isabella could begin to protest, he went on “Go ahead Isabella, open the door” the lock on the door made a sound, as soon as Christopher swiped his card and Isabella stepped through.

  The space resembled one of those large classrooms, where Isabella had taken lessons during University, with a stage and a big screen and many wooden seats and tables for students.

  There were four words inscribed behind the seats and a big sign was hanging just above the screen. Isabella walked towards one of the chairs and touched the letters with her fingertips.

  Christopher Taylor Drivers’ Academy.

  “Christopher…” she gaped at him “Really?”

  He nodded and smiled “It’s going to be a sort of school for young drivers. They will be taught how to drive, how to race with go-karts and maybe get a chance to be spotted by managers” he kept his eyes on her.

  “Christopher. This is great” Isabella looked at him and then at the room again “It’s more than great, it’s fantastic”

  He looked around the room himself and smiled “Do you think it’s a good idea?”

  “I think it’s a fantastic idea” Isabella said.

  “I intend to work with the kids myself from time to time, even if I’ll have instructors and people help me manage this place. But I intend to be very active in between races, during the championship”

  Isabella nodded.

  “Is this why you were so worried in Toronto?” Isabella asked, her mind desperately trying to sort out what the conversation she had overheard between him and Mr. Jenkins in the stairwell, had been all about.

  Maybe someone was blackmailing him because he had asked for help, for money to the wrong people.

  “It’s partially because of that. I met up with a few investors here the other day. I’ve been working on this for the past year. It’s finally ready and it’s going to open end of October. The track you just saw is only part of it. There are two simulators and a gym, in addition to rooms like this for briefing and theory lessons”

  “It’s really something” Isabella walked up the stage, holding hands with Christopher. “So this is where the instructor goes ‘And then you press with your right foot to accelerate and then you press with your left foot to break. Repeat after me, right foot gas, left foot brake’ and he repeats it ten times” Isabella teased and Christopher squeezed her hand.

  “Funny, really. We’ll have a lesson with you on stage on ‘what NOT to do while driving’” he winked and Isabella made a face.

  “It’s amazing to see your name on it” she said, her tone serious now.

  He nodded “I want to use my name, my father’s name to help young drivers get sponsors”

  Isabella nodded and listened to him talk about the project.

  Christopher had thought about everything, about every detail, from the instructors to employ- retired second category and first category racing drivers- to the setup of the campuses. Of course Mr. Jenkins had helped him transform his project, his ideas into something real.

  “I am going to use all the resources available to make it successful, my name, my father’s name… every connection, every chance the sponsors are going to give this place”

  They entered a small corridor and right into a gym and then passed a door that read ‘Simulator: Do not enter if light is red’.

  “How did you come up with the idea?” Isabella asked, while peeking through the many rooms equipped with desks and chairs.

  “I have been thinking about this for quite some time. Initially, I thought I should fund my own First Category team. But this is something better. I can always have my own Racing team someday, this is the first step. Train the drivers, help them financially” he said as he walked, hands in his pockets. “What Noah said during that interview wasn’t a lie, Isabella. I know how l
ucky I’ve been so far in my life and I don’t take it for granted. Would I be doing this job, If I wasn’t born into it? I don’t know” he looked serious all of a sudden.

  “Don’t say that” Isabella shook her head “I think you would be in the sport, I can’t imagine you doing anything else”

  That fire in your eyes every race weekend, is all the proof I need, Isabella thought.

  “Me neither, but it’s not that easy to get in First Category Racing. Noah was right about that, my name helped me get in”

  “Luck is always part of success” Isabella told him, quoting his first employee, the man behind her first internship in a local newspaper at University. Their meeting had been totally random and that day, luck had changed Isabella’s life around.

  But would she be where she was now - assistant press agent for a top auto racing team- if it was all just about luck?

  “But you wouldn’t be where you are now, if it wasn’t for your passion and ability to race. That has nothing to do with luck” she went on, her voice shook a little as she spoke. “You were the youngest driver to win a championship. It’s a record. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone”

  Isabella’s grip tightened around his hand. She meant every word and so much more, she didn’t have the courage to say to him.

  “Thank you. It means a lot to me, to know how you see me” he said and smiled “I am under a lot of pressure most of the time, to try and prove I am worth it, worth my place at MB. And next race is going to be tough” Christopher looked ahead, his mind already on the race in Berlin. “But I have to be realistic here. My surname helped me a lot. I never had to stress about finding sponsors, about money. Do you know how much it costs to take part to a regional kart championship? Thousands of pounds, plus equipment, tires, etc.” he paused “I was lucky and I know it. That’s why people say I didn’t earn it, I can’t blame them”

  “Well I do. I blame them. You wouldn’t have lasted a season in MB, if it were just for your surname. You have nothing to prove”

  “Grazie” he stopped walking, only to stroke her hair and cup her face, her words so honest and reassuring.

  “If only the other drivers could see me, the way you see me” he said, looking straight into her eyes.

  If only I could see ME the way you see me, Christopher kept his thoughts to himself.

  Berlin was only a little over a week away.

  Deep down, Christopher knew it was the only race that really mattered to him.

  It was where his father James had won so many times. It was where his father had lost his life so many years ago.

  It was also the only race Christopher had never won before, where he never truly felt like himself- his father’s fate hanging over his shoulder, too much of a heavy weight to carry.

  “Maybe they will or maybe they won’t. It doesn’t matter” Isabella said and shook her head a little. “You know what you are”

  Christopher’s eyes searched her face.

  “I do” he nodded, his face serious and lost in thought for a moment.

  She watched him go silent, as something went through his mind. He was worried, Isabella could tell, but he was doing good in keeping up the appearance.

  When they exited the building, in silence his arm wrapped around her neck so casual and relaxed, the clouds had covered the sun and the sky had begun to rumble in the distance.

  As they reached the car, Christopher placed his hand on the driver’s door and turned to face Isabella. He reached for her and squeezed her hip gently, while she leaned on the car, like he was doing, and placed her elbow on the top of it.

  They were facing each other and leaning on Christopher’s car.

  Isabella looked up, as the sky rumbled again. A storm was on its way.

  Summer, ha!

  “I want you to help me advertise this place” he said, breaking the silence between them.

  “What?” his words had been so unexpected, Isabella couldn’t believe what she had just heard.

  “Would you like to help me promote it?” he asked, giving her a sexy smile. Christopher’s eyes were gleaming, shining like fire again.

  “You want me to help you…” she repeated “Are you trying to kill off Mr. Jenkins or something?”

  Christopher laughed, his eyes never leaving hers.

  “I told him already about this. I take the decisions here, I just informed him I would ask you”

  “Fantastic. I have something to look forward to, If I see him at the MB headquarters tomorrow” Isabella mumbled sarcastically under her breath.

  “Is that a yes?” he raised an eyebrow at her.

  “I don’t know if it’s a good idea” she started. “I’m sure he’s going to help you…”

  “He’s a manager. He knows how to help me find sponsors, money, contracts. I need someone who helps me promote the academy through the press, blogs, internet”

  “I am sure Hillary is more suited for this sort of thing”

  “I didn’t ask Hillary, I am asking you” he looked straight at her, forcing Isabella to look back at him and not avoid his penetrating eyes.

  “I don’t think I have enough experience to help you with this…”

  “Bullocks, Bresciani. You’ve worked at things like this before in Rome. What else have you got?”

  “I don’t want to piss off Mr. Jenkins”

  “He is perpetually pissed off. It’s part of his personality” Christopher said.

  “And what a wonderful personality that is” Isabella blinked and smiled. “No, but seriously, I don’t want to make things complicated between us as well”

  Christopher moved closer, his chest against hers now. Isabella turned, her back slightly touching the car now. She watched him smile again, that smile that would let him get away with anything.

  And he knows, it will get him away with anything.

  “We work together already and I don’t see a problem with it”

  “Just, let me think about it” Isabella said, trying to buy herself some time.

  Christopher was a tough person to turn down. When he wanted something, it was hard to make him change his mind. And that determined look on his face, was a clear message for Isabella and anyone who decided to go against him. He wanted her by his side on that project and nothing would make him change his mind.

  “Okay” he smiled a wicked smile and the rain started to fall hard on them.

  Chapter 13

  It was almost dinner time when they reached Christopher’s house in London.

  The sky was blue again, after the storm.

  It had rained during their lunch - when they had stopped at a restaurant in a little town near the drivers’ academy- and all afternoon.

  When the rain had stopped for an hour or so, Christopher had taken Isabella to one of the most beautiful places he knew of in England – somewhere Isabella could relate to and enjoy. By the sea.

  They had gone for an afternoon stroll on the beach near Portsmouth, sharing stories and eating ice cream like kids, Isabella looking more radiant than ever.

  “It’s the sea” she explained when Christopher had pointed it out to her, how her honey brown eyes seemed to have changed color. They seemed lighter, brighter.

  “I just love the sea. I miss it so much” Isabella had told him and then explained. “Growing up near the beach is a wonderful thing. All the memories I have of my childhood involve sand and long swims and seashells” Isabella had looked up to a familiar sound “And seagulls” she had smiled and breathed in the fresh, salt scented air.

  “I see what you mean” he had said, seeing her so happy and relaxed.

  Once they had taken a seat on a set of wooden steps near the docks, Christopher had pointed to a white lighthouse in the distance.

  “You never talk about your parents, your family”

  “There’s nothing much to say” Isabella had shrugged and looked ahead, doing her best to think of something to say, to change the topic of the conversation. “I am pret
ty boring”

  “You are anything but boring to me” Christopher had been quick to disagree.

  “How? How is that possible?” Isabella had wondered out loud. “I have no exciting stories or famous, influential friends”

  “Let me be the judge of that” Christopher had smirked.

  “You want to hear something crazy?”

  Christopher had nodded.

  “Signing that contract with MB is the craziest thing I have ever done in my life. Do you still think that I have exciting stories to share?” her eyebrows arched in her bangs.

  “Leaving everything, your life, a stable job, your friends…is pretty crazy” Christopher had disagreed with her.

  And a boyfriend, Isabella had thought to herself.

  She had stared at Christopher in silence then, thinking of what would have happened if she had said no to the job.

  She would have never travelled around the world. Isabella would have never had the chance to work with the best colleagues ever.

  She would have never worked for a top company, with the number one manager, Hillary. She would have never met Christopher.

  “You are the eldest daughter, right?” he had broken her silence.

  “Yes. I am the eldest. My mother got pregnant when she was twenty-two and my parents got married immediately after the news. My sister and I have a ten year’s age difference, Marco and I have seventeen. I basically stopped being a child at ten”

  Isabella had smiled then and had placed her head on Christopher’s shoulder, while the sea breeze caressed their skins.

  It hadn’t been a big weight on her shoulders, taking care of her brother and sister.

  Isabella had been happy to help, most of the times anyway. She had been a rock, a buffer between her sister’s rebel heart and her parent’s strict rules. Isabella had always spoiled Marco a little and taught him how to defend himself from his classmates.

  If she had missed something growing up, it would have probably been the ability to let got and risk. She never risked. She could never risk. Isabella had to teach, educate, take care, sooth.

  “Why here? Why not London?” Isabella had wondered, while the conversation had gone back to Christopher’s drivers’ academy.