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Counterpoints 2 (Counterpoints #2) Page 7

  Christopher had the phone back in his hands, his face serious.

  “No. It’s complicated” it was all Isabella had.

  She couldn’t explain, she didn’t think it was necessary to go into details. But that was that. It was complicated, even more than what she thought it would be at the beginning.

  Were they seeing each other? Not exactly, no.

  Isabella had put an end to it, but then she had gone and kissed him, exactly two hours after seeing Christopher for the first time a week after the break up.

  And to make matters worse, the secretiveness of their relationship made the whole situation even more unclear, unsettling.

  “Happy Birthday to you” Isabella’s head snapped up.

  She gaped at Hillary, eyes wide, as her manager moved from the bar counter to the table again – her hand tight around a waiter’s arm- holding a white, creamy sponge cake with Happy Birthday written on top, in smooth, shiny, purple cream.

  One, big purple candle towered the white fluffiness that was the cake.

  All twenty five of them sitting at the table were singing and clapping hands, as the cake approached the table and was placed in front of Isabella.

  She covered her face with both hands for a moment. It was totally unexpected.

  “Happy Birthday to the latest acquisition of the team” Fred shouted from the opposite side of the table and raised his glass.

  “The hot, sexy Italian acquisition of the team” shouted Mark and while somebody hit him over the shoulder- willing him to keep his mouth shut for once- others cheered.

  There was a sudden burst of laughter, Isabella joined the commotion, her cheeks flushed like never before.

  “I don’t know what to say. Thank you guys” she gushed “How did you remember?” Isabella asked Hillary.

  “Darling, I was the one who hired you. I had you checked and know you like the back of my hand” she winked.

  Isabella smiled and then stood up, cake on the table in front of her. She closed her eyes and thought of a wish.

  “Make it a good one” someone said.

  “A dirty one” said someone else and she giggled, her eyes still closed.

  “Shut up, Fred. Somebody please get him a girlfriend” Hillary mocked.

  A wish, Isabella thought.

  She felt the butterflies in her stomach again, feeling all eyes on her.

  They found the time to buy me cake.

  The thought made her chest warm. It was such a sweet, lovely thing to do and possibly two times as much, as it was unexpected.

  It was true what Fred had told her once, right at the beginning of her new work adventure. Doing this sort of job - working and living with the same people, travelling around the world- helped form a strong bond with one another. Every day they shared so much - food, sleep, lack of sleep, emotions , moments of joy and sadness- that the team became one big, extended family.

  I’m blessed.

  “Done” she blew on the candle and everyone clapped.

  Isabella wished for this big, wacky, extended family - for this experience as assistant press agent for MB racing team- to last for many years to come. And she wished for the relationship and respect between her and her colleagues to last, beyond the duration of her contract.

  Which expires in six months, it came to mind for the first time.

  Isabella looked up, her bangs in her eyes, and thanked everyone for their kindness. She was thirty-three, thirty-three and unmarried, unsettled, wild.

  Uncle Franco must have had a stroke somewhere in Italy right now and doesn’t even know why.

  The thought almost made her giggle.

  “This is for you, darling” Hillary handed her a round yellow box with a satin, golden bow. It was smooth to the touch and heavy in her hands.

  “Come on. Open it, luv” Robert said.

  Isabella slowly untied the bow, a wide smile permanently glued on her face. Her cheeks felt slightly flushed, as she removed the lid.

  A pair of dark blue and green headphones – the team colors- popped out of the box, her initials elegantly written with crystals on the sides.

  Isabella gaped, speechless while her fingers rubbed the beads.

  “They are real crystals” Hillary said.

  “Guys, this is beautiful” Isabella looked up at the people sitting around the table.

  “Now you have your very own, personalized headphones. Like us. It’s a tradition here” John told her.

  “Yeah, that and getting totally pissed after a race weekend” Tom raised his glass and everyone cheered.

  “Put that glass down, Tom. It’s not the end of the weekend yet. We have the qualy tomorrow” Hillary pointed her finger at him and Tom raised his hands up, defensively.

  “This was so nice of you. I am officially, a hundred percent one of you, guys” Isabella grinned and raised her glass again.

  There were claps and cheers, as Isabella tried out her new headphones.

  The box got so loud when the cars were in or during races, they all wore them most of the time. No plain ones anymore for Isabella, she now had her very own pair.

  She blew a kiss to everyone but someone complained.

  “We want a proper thank you kiss, none of that flying kiss, shit”

  “Language, she is a lady for crying out loud” Fred said to his team mate.

  They are right.

  Isabella stood and went around the table, to personally thank each and every one of guys there.

  John kissed her on the cheek and so did Hillary and Mark and Christopher.

  He touched her hand and took in her scent, slowly.

  Isabella’s body tensed instantly, her cheeks flushed again.

  His sudden closeness was so destabilizing and so wanted at the same time, her head was spinning, confused.

  “Happy Birthday, Signorina” he smiled to the side and moved closer to kiss her on the cheek.

  She let him, without saying a word and imagined his soft lips on hers, as the familiar warm feeling began to spread in her stomach.

  Isabella smiled back.

  “Grazie” she mumbled.

  Christopher took his hand off hers and moved to the side, as though he was about to sit down again.

  “I have a surprise for you” he whispered just before taking a seat.

  Before she could say something back, Christopher had turned the other way and Tom was next in line for her to kiss.

  Christopher sat down and didn’t look her way again, until it was time to leave the restaurant.

  The staff corridors of the hotel were empty.

  Good, let it be this way until I’m out.

  Isabella turned the corner and saw the exit door, at the far end of the aisle.

  “I feel like I am escaping Alcatraz” she said over the phone and she heard Christopher smile on the other side.

  “You are doing good. You are almost there, Isabella” he encouraged her “I’m waiting just outside that door” his voice deep.

  Isabella pushed on the door handle and saw a set of stairs that lead to a small yard. Waiting under the stairs was a black car. Christopher was standing next to it, his back leaning on one of the passenger’s doors.

  He smiled as soon as he saw her and watched her walk down the stairs, cautious and slow- the long, light pink skirt she was wearing that night required attention.

  It’s easy to fall down the stairs with those piercing eyes on me all the time.

  Isabella walked up to the car and smiled.

  “I have escaped prison”

  “I’m sorry but the lobby was kind of crowded” he said. “Thanks for coming down”

  Isabella nodded but didn’t say a word.

  She was there. She had come down from her room. She had agreed to meet him.

  Even if my head was telling me I shouldn’t have.

  Christopher knew she could have said no, she could have turned him down.

  After that kiss on the plane ride to Toronto, Isabella had put her walls
back up again. She had kept her distance, making sure they were never alone, never too close to pick up the conversation where they had left it.

  He had just been given a chance, an opening.

  And I am not going to waste it, he told himself.

  She stood there not knowing what to do. Her eyes lingered on the door handle. His hand was on it, ready to open the door for her.

  “I shouldn’t be here” Isabella said, speaking her mind.

  “I know” Christopher nodded slowly. “But you are here”

  “I don’t know why” she looked to the side and saw him straighten up at the corner of her eye.

  One minute she was trying to keep him away, the next one she was saying yes to seeing him secretly.

  I miss him, Isabella bit her lip, feeling confused and restless.

  And I am going crazy.

  Christopher let go of the door handle, not so sure anymore that she would in the end get inside the car with him.

  “I know why you are here” he said, his voice steady, in control as always.

  Isabella looked back at him, her head tilted to the side, daring him to go on “You want to know what’s going to happen next”

  “And what is going to happen next, Christopher?” she looked straight at him, right into his deep green eyes.

  They were so close.

  Again, she thought, I am letting him get close again.

  It was just ridiculous. Isabella had spent the last few days hiding from him and now she found herself incapable of saying no to Christopher- no to seeing him.

  A part of me wants to break it off, but it’s hard to let go, she acknowledged.

  “There is only one way to find out, Isabella. Come with me” he stretched his arm forward and hoped Isabella would place her hand into his.

  Come on, say yes, he willed her.

  “Okay” she gave him her hand and let Christopher open the door for her. “But just so we are clear, I am only here for the birthday surprise” Isabella made a face and then smiled.

  “Good girl” he chuckled and held on tight to her hand.

  Maybe I’ll regret this later, Isabella bit her lip, but this is what I want now.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, once Christopher had shut the door.

  Christopher shook his head.

  “It’s a surprise for your birthday” he smiled to the side. His eyes lingered on her lips and then looked down, taking in how beautiful she looked that night.

  During dinner, Christopher had had a hard time not glancing her way, for how gorgeous she looked in that long, light pink skirt. It was so elegant and sensual and slightly open on one side, just enough for her knee and leg to show.

  The white tank top she was wearing on top of it, wrapped around her chest and hips, leaving very little to Christopher’s imagination.

  Isabella’s feminine curves were humming his name, loud and clear.

  Since the air was a little cold outside at that time at night, Isabella had slid a fitted, short light blue jean jacket on, too. Her hair was down, in soft waves and it barely touched her shoulders.

  She looks slightly tanned today, Christopher thought, noticing her golden complexion, her freckles more evident.

  With just a hint of makeup on – pink lipstick and eyeliner- and the most tempting lips he had ever kissed in his life, Isabella looked breathtaking and incredibly sexy.

  “Okay we are good to go” he instructed and the driver simply nodded.

  Isabella searched Christopher’s face.

  He told the driver already. Where is he taking me?

  “Is this place dangerous? Shall I sign an insurance form first?” she cocked her head at him and he smiled.

  “You have never been in danger with me” a mischievous smile spread on his face.

  “I’ve never been safe with you, actually”

  Smart mouth, Christopher stiffened a laugh and thought Isabella was right.

  When had she ever been safe with him? Physically and emotionally?

  “Don’t worry, it’s your birthday so tonight is more about you than me” Christopher smirked but didn’t say anything else.

  Isabella squinted at him.

  “So, where are we going?” she asked, trying to look cool and unaffected by how their hands were so close.

  “Not telling you, you can ask as much as you want”

  “I can ask the driver” she raised an eyebrow at him.

  “I can pay the driver to keep quiet” he smirked.

  “I can pay the driver to tell me”

  From the front seat the man spoke up.

  “I’m not talking. Nor accepting money”

  Isabella frowned and Christopher shrugged.

  “He’s an honest man. I told him it was a surprise for your birthday”

  Isabella stared at him, the suspense making her a little nervous.

  He’s planned something for my birthday.

  Her mind began to wonder, not only about where they were going, but when Christopher had found the time to organize anything or get her a present.

  I don’t want a present, she thought.

  All she really wanted was to not feel so exposed and vulnerable around him.

  It’s so scary how he affects my reasoning, my mood.

  It had never happened before, no man had ever made her feel so unsure and so alive at the same time.

  The car crossed a large intersection and at that point Christopher turned to look at her.

  “Close your eyes”

  “Are we there?” she asked, her eyes shining like fire.

  Christopher gave her a sly smile and shook his head.

  “I need you to close your eyes and trust me on this”

  Trusting him has left you broken hearted, remember?

  Her mind screamed at her, implying that she was a complete idiot for being in that car to begin with.

  You are falling into his trap again, but Isabella wouldn’t hear of it.

  It was her birthday, she had had a lovely night, a lovely dinner with her new friends.

  And Christopher wanted to make amends and be friends again, he really did. He could have been out, clubbing or calling one of his girl friends here in Toronto but he was there, in that car with her.

  Listen to me, justifying him. I am going totally mental.

  “Close your eyes” he said again and Isabella did.

  He slid something smooth over her eyes and it all became dark.

  Chapter 6

  They walked hand in hand up a set of stairs.

  Marble stairs.

  Despite the scarf on her eyes, Isabella could see that the pavement was white and shiny by looking down at her feet. It was definitely marble.

  She heard the sound of a door opening and she realized they were stepping inside a room, somewhere. The air was a little cooler now.

  Air conditioning and dim lights, her mind asserted, trying to gather as much information as possible, as she was still blindfolded.

  The room wasn’t dark but it wasn’t bright either.

  Isabella’s head snapped to the right and began to panic. She heard footsteps. Was there someone else in the room?

  “It’s okay” Christopher reassured her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

  Yeah, that’s going to calm me down. Isabella thought, his hand burned like fire on her jacket.

  “Walk this way, we are almost there” he added and guided her deeper into the dim room.

  They turned a few corners -Isabella moving slowly, feeling a little uneasy, despite Christopher’s firm grip around her waist- before they came to a stop.

  “Now, I am going to remove the scarf” Christopher’s voice was low. “Don’t open your eyes until I say so. Okay? Promise me that”

  “Do I get to blindfold YOU now?” she joked around.

  “Maybe later” he laughed a little.

  Then, seeing Isabella make a face he added “Eyes closed, Isabella” he said and she felt a shiver down her back.

>   Her name on his lips was one of the sexiest sounds on the face of the earth.

  It was the way he pronounced it, accentuating the first part, Isa. His Spanish side came out strong when he said her name.

  Why does it feel so great to joke around and be silly with him?

  “I’m serious” he added.

  “Okay, okay. So bossy” she grinned.

  He gently untied the scarf around her eyes and Isabella noticed immediately that the light changed in the room. It was still sort of dim but she could barely make out sparks of light in front of her.

  Christopher stared at Isabella for another second, taking in her beauty. Even in the dim light, he could still see the small freckles on her cheeks.

  Her full pink lips were a little parted, her head slightly upwards, like she was expecting something.

  Like she’s expecting a kiss, Christopher thought.

  A few strands of hair dug inside her jeans jacket and disappeared somewhere inside of it. For a moment, Christopher’s hands fought the urge to find out where the strands went, to touch the skin where they rested and remove her jacket to kiss her shoulders.

  “You can open them now” he said and Isabella gasped as she did.

  Her hands went to her mouth and she looked around, breathing out joy and excitement.

  “Wow” she said. Her hand moved away from her mouth.

  Isabella looked around amazed, her heart pounding hard in her chest.

  What place is this?

  She was standing in the middle of a room, surrounded by huge water tanks that didn’t seem to have an end. It was like the entire room was made of glass- to her right, to her left and even up above her head- and in the water there were colored fishes, that gleamed as they went by.

  “What is this place?” she walked around, brushing her finger tips on the glass wall. Her eyes followed a yellow, Imperial Angel Fish.

  “The Aquarium and Rehabilitation center of Toronto” he smirked. “This right here is called the Deep Water tunnel”

  Isabella gaped at him.

  “I can’t believe this. How did you …?”

  “It doesn’t matter how” he couldn’t keep his eyes off her, smile permanently glued to his lips.

  Isabella’s reaction to the surprise was everything he had hoped for and more.

  While her eyes circled the room, going from one fish tank to another, Christopher’s eyes stayed right where they were. On Isabella.